The Freedom Writers Diary: How a Teacher and 150 Teens Used Writing to Change Themselves and the World Around Them
- Genre: Nonfiction; education
- Originally Published: 1999
- Reading Level/Interest: College/adult
- Structure/Length: Foreword, 8 parts (freshman-senior years, fall and spring) with student diary entries, and epilogue; approx. 292 pages; approx. 9 hours, 30 minutes on audio
- Central Concern: In 1994, first-year English teacher Erin Gruwell in Long Beach, California, draws criticism for her plan to devote the year to teaching tolerance and is reassigned to teach a class of “at-risk” freshman. She wins them over with a curriculum that connects literature to their real lives, and their diary writing turns into a project that spans their four years of high school and leads to enriching experiences they never could have imagined.
- Potential Sensitivity Issues: Race-based gang violence; domestic violence; drug and alcohol addiction; homelessness; sexual abuse; statutory rape; rape
CENTRAL THEMES connected and noted throughout this Teaching Unit:
- Racial Identity and Tolerance
- The Power of Literature and Writing to Create Change
- Individual Heroism
STUDY OBJECTIVES: In accomplishing the components of this Unit, students will:
- Develop an understanding of the social and cultural contexts regarding diverse backgrounds that incite Ms. Gruwell’s conflict.
- Study paired texts and other resources to make connections via the text’s themes of Racial Identity and Tolerance, The Power of Literature and Writing to Create Change, and Individual Heroism.
- Plan and create visual media to present a thematic unit based on text details.
- Analyze and evaluate author’s purpose and character details in structured essay responses regarding the anonymity of the book, violence, and other topics.