
38 pages 1 hour read

Mychal Denzel Smith

Stakes is High: Life After the American Dream

Nonfiction | Book | Adult | Published in 2020

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Capitalism as “Pimping”

Smith elucidates the connection between economic justice and social justice, refuting the notion that poverty is nothing but a mindset, and that economic conditions are equal for all Americans. Smith compares capitalism in America to pimping, as he draws parallels to Iceberg Slim’s memoir Pimp, by pointing out that both pimping and capitalism rely on convincing their workforce by means of “an illusion […] a life of riches, decadence, a life where all the things you ever dreamed of are possible” (74). The pimp’s promise is equivalent to the American Dream, mythical and realistically unattainable for so many in America, but, as Smith reminds us, this is all done through the allure of seduction and empty promises. The workforce does not partake in the profits of its labors, nor do dreams and aspirations come to fruition. Smith goes on to argue that this pimp-like system of capitalism carries profound social implications, in its focus on individual success and prosperity at the expense of the well-being of an entire community or society. Where unbridled capitalism is the primary means of economic expression, even the desire of young Americans for new economic paradigms will falter. Smith cites the example of young people’s gravitation toward Bernie Sanders’s campaign premises as cause for disillusionment with capitalism, while also recognizing that Sanders’s “singular focus on economic issues […] brought its own frustrations to the multiracial multigender coalition forming around him” (81). Smith also cites the power of capitalism, similar to the power of a pimp, to use pressure and the threat of violence to keep workers in their place. Failure to comply to the capitalist reality of America often results in great personal loss, especially for Black Americans, who have often been ostracized for their own views on how economics can function for the public good. Smith cites the example of Paul Robeson, for instance, whose “career was destroyed because he refused to denounce communism” (76). For Smith, capitalism is not a system where hard work and dreaming big are rewarded. Instead, it is a system where the poor remain poor by design.

Heroization of Politicians Versus Collective Calls to Action

Smith criticizes the American tendency to glorify political leaders, looking to them to save and to implement our best ideals. Regardless of political ideology or affiliation, Smith is leery of the effects this has on our ability to act collectively for the greater public good. When referencing Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s fame, for instance, he cautions, “Our preoccupation cannot be with how to make Ocasio-Cortez president but with how we fill the halls of power with all the Ocasio-Cortezes waiting in the wings” (155). When Smith explains Trump supporters’ admiration for Donald Trump, he argues that Trump was able to shore “up the support of those who wanted it made clear: this country belongs to them. Trump promised to deliver it” (29). Smith is arguing that real change happens when systems are changed, not when this or that political candidate is elected. What happens when people put too much faith in their political heroes, Smith argues, is that “you are not yourself implicated in the worst of this presidency, and therefore cannot be tasked with doing much else to fend off the atrocities” (22), as if to say voting for the other person is enough in doing one’s part. Smith instead proposes political revolution, which involves a collective call to action, in order to forge a society in which conditions and opportunities are in fact equal. By outsourcing the responsibility of social change to a political figure, this change cannot happen. Despite the political rifts in the United States, which have deeply divided the nation, he reminds the reader that “We are—through force, choice, or happenstance—Americans, and as such we share something. Where we often disagree is on what that something is and its significance” (37). Smith believes that positive, long-lasting change is possible, but this possibility exists when people, not necessarily politicians, unite around a common purpose.

The Illusion of American Democracy

As Smith recasts the American Dream as nothing but myth, so too does he recast the American democracy as the empty promises of an empire. In his view, the United States suffers from an identity crisis, which makes real progress impossible to achieve, as evidenced in this passage: “America has never been a democratic nation in any way other than its own proclamation as such. It fails even by its own flimsy standards of democracy, which don’t account for any aspect of life outside of the voting booth” (43). This, Smith argues, is due to the fact that as “Americans we are eager, ravenous even, to believe the most flattering narratives about ourselves” (36). American history, by extension, is a constant retelling and revising of the actual truth. Martin Luther King, Jr., for instance, is a wise, apolitical sage, as opposed to an advocate for vast yet specific civil rights, who was assassinated for his beliefs, which increasingly moved towards the inevitable truth that systemic change was the only possibility for lasting change. As Smith puts it, Dr. King “moved from laudatory to audaciously skeptical” (38). America’s insistence on policing tactics as a social necessity also contribute to the illusion that America operates as a democracy for all. What may appear to be a democracy to some is a life of constant harassment and oppression for others. According to Smith, this is not a contemporary epiphany, but a historical reality, as he writes: “It would be a tremendous shame for the wealthiest nation in human history to admit that the wealth it has built came at a dreadful cost to the majority of people who live here. It would reveal the lie of the whole system” (73). Yet Smith does not simply expose the problem without acknowledging that there is the possibility for change. In order to do this, however, Smith calls for honesty and self-reflection about how each of us fit into the American story.

Police as an Instrument of Oppression

Smith explicitly states the role of the police as an oppressive force in the United States, arguing that their purpose is predominantly linked to the constant patrolling and harassing of Black and Brown people. Smith argues for the abolishment of police altogether. Reforming a system that is oppressive by nature will accomplish nothing. As Smith puts it, “I am incensed by the delusion, so prevalent among the country’s supposedly serious thinkers, that tinkering around the edges of an inherently oppressive institution will lead to freedom” (93). Smith believes in using clear, straightforward language in his view of what should happen with the police forces around the country, regardless of whether the policing is progressive or authoritarian: “policing is policing no matter what adjective you put in front of it” (90). For Smith, there have been no recognizable, long-term benefits for Black and Brown people when it comes to the police as an institution. He argues, “the police are the enemies of black people, Latinx people, trans people, and poor people. Is it our duty to revere them, even as their presence conflicts with our freedom? After Ferguson? After Baltimore” (91)? There is no reform possible that can undo the damage of the police upon these communities, other than the ultimate reform of complete abolishment.

The Punitive Nature of the American Justice System

According to Smith, “it’s important here to define justice, as the US legal system has perverted our sense of what constitutes it. It cannot be punishment of retribution for harm caused. Justice is not revenge” (93). And yet, the punitive nature of the American justice system persists, without restoration or accountability. Even as Smith cites the examples of Bill Cosby, who will likely die in prison after being convicted of sexual assault, and Harvey Weinstein, the symbolic epitome of the #Metoo movement, Smith calls for a greater sense of justice in these cases. The merely punitive nature of the American legal system does not improve society. What Smith calls for in the context of the justice system is not punishment for its own sake, but true accountability:

this is an action beyond apology—accountability asks us to repair the external harm, making restitution by caring for the needs of our victims, and to undertake an internal harm reduction process, wherein we come to understand our behavioral patterns and commit to changing what has wrought harm. But this work can only begin when the perpetrator is given the space to admit what they have done, transparently and honestly (131).

Prison, Smith argues, is not a place for healing, but for “daily humiliation, degradation, and outright torture […]” (131). When the consequences for breaking the law are devoid of any healing for either perpetrators or victims, what we are left with is a merely punitive institution, tucked away from the rest of society, almost as if it didn’t exist.

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