
45 pages 1 hour read

Ashley Rhodes-Courter

Three Little Words

Nonfiction | Autobiography / Memoir | YA | Published in 2008

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Chapters 11-13Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 11 Summary: “What Do I Have to Do?”

Insecure about her placement, Ashley keeps “wondering what I [will] have to do wrong for the Courters to send me back” (208). Luke does not have to wonder as, having been cruel to his prospective adoptive family’s dog, he is sent back to the Children’s Home. Other children are also returned from their “forever” families, confirming Ashley’s belief that “[w]e [are] boomerang kids. No matter how far we were thrown, we ended up back at our place of origin” (209).

While the family is visiting Washington, DC, Ashley is separated from Phil and Gay at the subway station. Phil is furious and shouts, “‘How did you slip away from us?’” as though Ashley “had done it to defy him” (211). Later, Gay reassures Ashley that “‘[t]his hasn’t been the best day, but it’s something we went through together. Now it’s woven into the fabric of our story’” before telling her, for the first time, “‘I love you, sweetie’” (212). Ashley refuses to let herself love Gay back, out of fear of being abandoned. She thinks of her mother and decides she will “keep my promise to her even if she had not kept any of hers to me, and I [will] never love anyone else” (214).

Ashley and the Courters are mostly “getting along better and better” (215), although Ashley still does not like Gay’s cooking and even refuses to try it when Gay cooks all her favorite food. Ashley does not understand why she keeps refusing Gay’s efforts, but Gay understands; she stops cooking special food for Ashley, explaining that “‘you resist my nurturing because all those other mothers—especially your birth mother—failed to care for you’” and accepts that “‘I cannot force you to accept my love through food’” (217). Later, however, Ashley kisses Gay for the first time.

Ashley and the Courters attend court to make the adoption official and legal. When the judge asks Ashley if she wants to go ahead and “make it official,” she replies “‘I guess so.’ Three little words and it was done” (223). The adoption makes Ashley “feel more secure, the tautness in my stomach relax[es], and I [find] that I [am] interested in new foods” (224).

Gay begins to write to Lorraine but keeps “the correspondence secret from me for quite some time” (226). When she tells her, Ashley feels that Gay has “horned her way into my most private relationship without my permission” (229). Ashley begins exchanging letters with her mother, but the process brings highs of excitement and crashes of unhappiness. Ashley’s therapist and Gay suggest “limiting the letters” by “center[ing] them on holidays” (232).

With some reservation, Ashley calls Lorraine on her birthday. However, after telling her excitedly about how well she is doing, she is upset when Lorraine remarks, “‘My, you’ve changed […] You sound like a stuck-up Valley girl’” (234). Ashley is also upset to learn that her mother is expecting another daughter on the day before her own birthday.

Gay suggests that Ashley needs “to make peace with what happened with your mother before you can feel secure with anyone else” (235). Later, Ashley suggests that Gay meet with her mother to use her “Guardian ad Litem vibes and tell me what you think” (236). Gay does so and reports that Lorraine wants to see Ashley but also “became a little belligerent” and asked, “‘When is Ashley going to get over it?’” (238). Ashley eventually meets with her mother when she is “almost sixteen” (240). The meeting is strained, and Ashley feels conflicted about her mother and half-sister. Afterward, she tells Phil, “‘I’m glad I did it, though I have no desire to see them again’” (242).

Ashley’s friend Brooke persuades her to put sleeping tablets in Phil’s and Gay’s drinks so that they can sneak out of the house and meet boys. Phil and Gay are furious. When Gay shouts at her, Ashley realizes that “she [isn’t] going to hurt me or …I [swallow] hard at the next thought: She [isn’t] going to ditch me, either” (246). Ashley is ashamed and apologetic and later says, “‘Love you, too’” (247) to Gay for the first time.

Chapter 12 Summary: “Now They Will Have to Listen to Me”

Ashley learns that Mrs. Moss has been “arrested on twenty-five counts of felony child abuse and nine counts of felony child neglect” (248). Ashley is determined to get involved because she “need[s] to do something to help those kids” (250). Phil and Gay are reluctant, but Ashley insists because she does not “want this to blow over like the other investigations” (251).

Ashley gives evidence to the police and speaks to a reporter. After watching Erin Brockovich, she also insists on a “class-action [suit] for all of the kids who lived with the Mosses” (255). Lawyers file a lawsuit “on behalf of thirty-one Florida children” (257) although, because she has been adopted, Ashley is eventually excluded from the group and advised to file individual lawsuits.

Meanwhile, after the sleeping pill incident, Ashely feels that she has “broken through a wall—one I had carefully constructed over many years” (259) and can trust the Courters. She “finally notice[s] that they [are] always there: waking me up, tucking me in, ready to listen, checking whether I [need] anything” and resolves “to prove their faith [is] justified” (260).

Ashley encounters a number of new opportunities, including speaking events. On holiday in England, she asks if Gay knows J.K. Rowling and is disappointed that she does not. However, shortly after, she enters and wins an essay competition and gets to have breakfast with the Harry Potter author. She is even invited to a Christmas party at the White House where she meets Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Mrs. Moss pleads guilty to one count of child neglect and is given “[p]robation for only five years” (267). Ashley’s own lawsuit continues, however. From the evidence, she discovers a wide range of neglect, negligence, and even cover-ups from her time in foster care. Gay reveals that Boris Potts, who owned the sadistic pornographic movie, was arrested for pedophilia shortly after Ashley’s time with the family. Ashley even learns that there “was no evidence that any worker checked on me during the five months I was there, even though they were already investigating Mr. Potts for molestation” (275). 

The class-action lawsuit ends when a judge decides that “the dependency court already protect[s] foster children” and “Florida’s laws ‘provide sufficient protection’ for children in state care” (277). However, Ashley’s cases remain active, and she goes to see the Mosses testify. Ashley is outraged that they can “tell so many lies” (283) and concerned about giving her own evidence in case the lawyer tries to discredit her. However, her concern fades once she realizes that the incidents discussed are still “as vivid as the day they happened” (284).

The judge asks “both sides to try to reach an agreement through mediation” (285), and eventually the case is settled. Ashley is disappointed that she did not get to help the other children more but also “relieved that the lawsuits [are] over and that I [do] not ever have to face the Mosses or any of the workers again” (287). She realizes that “more than love or an unfulfilled longing, I feel pity for my biological mother” (288) and recognizes that, if she had “received a fraction of the money the Mosses—or any of my foster parents—were paid, she could have established herself in Tampa and made a home for us” (288-89). She remains “resentful of Mrs. Moss” and “those in authority who were incompetent, negligent, or looked the other way” and reflects that “[s]o many children in my position have no voice, but I will not be silent” (289).  

Chapter 13 Summary: “Sunshine Found”

Ashley still does not know who her biological father is, although she has been in contact with a likely candidate. He has offered to take a DNA test, but they “have not confirmed paternity” (290) yet. Some years after meeting her mother, Ashley meets her uncle Sammie and his wife, as well as Aunt Leanne and her grandfather. They drive past several places where she used to live, and Ashley learns that Leanne and the others tried hard to take her in but could not secure access to her.

The family asks Ashley and Gay to leave and later reveals this was because Lorraine was driving over, and “[t]hey didn’t want [them] around when she arrived” (293). Later, Leanne says that Lorraine’s “car had broken down and that the police had arrested her” (293). Uncle Sammie looks after Ashley’s half-sister during the crisis. Ashley keeps in contact with Sammie, Leanne, and Lorraine afterward through email and calls.

During her last year in high school, Ashley receives a letter from Dusty, who is in prison. He includes a letter for Luke and says that he has “been trying to contact us for many years” and offers “a different spin on various episodes,” claiming that he “loved Luke and me very much” (294). He even says that he paid for several of the presents Lorraine gave Ashley and Luke. Ashley still thinks of him “as my first father” (294).

Ashley’s grandfather is arrested for selling drugs, and Adele “passed away after a long illness” (294). Mrs. Moss is “arrested again for child neglect” (294) but receives no extra jail time. Ashley sees Uncle Sammie, Lorraine, and her half-sister occasionally and recognizes that it “has been important for me to have caring biological family in my life” (294). Luke has been adopted but is still “struggling to overcome all the setbacks he has had over the years” (295).

Ashely completes the first draft of the book “on the sixth anniversary of my adoption” (297). Phil and Gay give her a music box that plays “You are My Sunshine.” When she hears it, “[s]omething very tight and very deep inside me snap[s]. Tears [spurt] unexpectedly” (297). She sees that “Gay and Phil—my mother and father—[are] crying with me” and feels “something I [have] never known before: Home” (297).

Chapters 11-13 Analysis

Instability and learning to trust and be open to hope continue to be central themes as the book draws to a close. In her new home with the Courters, Ashley remains insecure about the stability of her new life, almost wanting to cause an end to her placement in order to get it over with and “wondering what I [will] have to do wrong for the Courters to send me back” (208). When Luke and several other children are returned from their “forever families,” Ashley takes this as proof of her concerns that “[w]e [are] boomerang kids. No matter how far we were thrown, we ended up back at our place of origin” (209).

Gay tries to reassure Ashley. After the difficult day in Washington, DC, she tells Ashley, “‘This hasn’t been the best day, but it’s something we went through together. Now it’s woven into the fabric of our story’” (212). For the first time, she even tells her, “‘I love you, sweetie’” (212). Fearful of being open to hope and trust, Ashley refuses to let herself love Gay back. In part, this is a reflection of Lorraine’s arguably selfish demand that Ashley not allow herself to love anyone else, something Ashley recalls as she decides she will “keep my promise to her even if she had not kept any of hers to me, and I [will] never love anyone else” (214). She resists Gay’s efforts to reach out to her, especially her attempts to accommodate Ashley’s picky eating habits. Gay understands why this is, even if Ashley does not, and explains that “‘you resist my nurturing because all those other mothers—especially your birth mother—failed to care for you’” (217). She accepts that “‘I cannot force you to accept my love through food’” (217), but Ashley is growing increasingly open and later kisses Gay for the first time.

She remains somewhat closed off, however, and when the judge asks her if she wants to make her adoption official and legal, she replies only, “‘I guess so.’” (223). Nevertheless, making the adoption official does make her “feel more secure,” and with this, “the tautness in my stomach relax[es], and I [find] that I [am] interested in new foods” (224). From this place of growing security and trust, she is better able to recognize Lorraine’s failings, no longer seeing her as the only possible source of maternal love. She is able to express her frustration with her mother commenting, “‘My, you’ve changed […] You sound like a stuck-up Valley girl’” (234) and, after meeting Lorraine and her new half-sister, even acknowledges that “‘I’m glad I did it, though I have no desire to see them again’” (242).

The incident with the sleeping pills, although traumatic for everyone involved, actually helps Ashley open up to love, trust, and hope. Despite Gay’s fury, Ashley accepts that “she [isn’t] going to hurt me or…I [swallow] hard at the next thought: She [isn’t] going to ditch me, either” (246). Shortly after, she allows herself to say, “‘Love you, too’” (247) to Gay for the first time. This growing trust lets her to feel that she has “broken through a wall—one I had carefully constructed over many years” (259), and this lowering of her defenses allows her to “finally [notice] that they [are] always there: waking me up, tucking me in, ready to listen, checking whether I [need] anything” (260).

Although by no means exactly what Ashley hoped for, the court cases against Mrs. Moss do allow Ashley to experience some degree of closure with this abusive part of her life. She discovers that the failings of the foster care system run throughout her case history far beyond her time with Mrs. Moss. The negligence she finds is shocking and includes the revelation that, during her time with the Pottses, there “was no evidence that any worker checked on me […] even though they were already investigating Mr. Potts for molestation” (275). Although the judge decides that “the dependency court already protect[s] foster children” and “Florida’s laws ‘provide sufficient protection’ for children in state care” (277) and Mrs. Moss receives only a minor sentence, Ashley is ultimately “relieved that the lawsuits [are] over and that I [do] not ever have to face the Mosses or any of the workers again” (287). This gives her some closure on the traumatic incidents and allows her to channel her remaining resentment toward speaking out for children who “have no voice” (289).

Better informed about the system, Ashley is able to reach a position where she primarily feels “pity for my biological mother” (288) and can recognize that, if she had “received a fraction of the money the Mosses—or any of my foster parents—were paid, she could have established herself in Tampa and made a home for us” (288-289). With this understanding, she is able to reconnect with members of her birth family and acknowledges that it “has been important for me to have caring biological family in my life” (294).

However, her true family, her place of belonging and security, is now with the Courters. This is symbolically highlighted by their gift of a music box that plays “You Are My Sunshine,” given on “the sixth anniversary of my adoption” (297) when Ashley completes the first draft of the book. While Lorraine has always called Ashley “my sunshine,” Gay and Phil, whom Ashley now refers to as “my mother and father,” truly follow through on promises of love and security. When Ashley hears the song and realizes this, “[s]omething very tight and very deep inside me snap[s]. Tears [spurt] unexpectedly,” and for the first time she truly feels “something I [have] never known before: Home” (297).

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